Elves are free to chose who they worship or not. They are, however, compelled to love and be near Seren or an object containing Seren’s energy. And while there is some indication that the elves can be weened off the need to be in Seren’s vicinity, their love for her seems to persist with little to no observed change in strength. Given the Gielinorian elves’ tendency to carry and use the remains of Seren’s first body as tools, it’s also unclear how much the need for proximity to Seren is still in play (Helwyr’s group suggests it is still quite potent).
As such, the closest we can expect to get to an entirely Seren independent elf is Angof and any shapeshifters she can ween off crystal fragments. We could see an elf or elves who don’t follow Seren on Gielinor, but said elves would need to carry around Seren’s crystals and would find it incredibly difficult (if not impossible) to intentionally oppose Seren due to their compulsory love for her (even Angof wants Seren back despite her people being left to suffer and die).
First though, you’d need to give Gielinorian elves a reason to doubt Seren’s attempts to help. We’ve opened up one channel for this when we met Angof in The Light Within, but the clan heads didn’t seem to find this too convincing. Perhaps if Zamorak tells them what Seren did to the Mahjarrat? Even then, I feel they’d be more willing to take Seren’s side on events.
In that case, we’d need an elf whose love for Seren manifests not as a hopeless devotion to her, but as an opposition to the aspects of Seren’s personality and nature (love aura, binding the elves to her, etc...) that make relationships with her unhealthy. Somebody who wants to work through and fix the more troubling aspects of Seren’s past and personality rather than just accept or reject them wholesale.
30-Mar-2018 16:12:21