In truth, yes, much of the "main timeline" and "DoD timeline" were consistent.
But without the player character:
- you never got access to the Enchanted Key
- you never went to the past to talk to 1st Age humans and help them out (there was an elf roaming around acting as a scout)
So without the scout seeing anything of particular note on Gilienor, Seren never came.
Seren recognized the magic of the Enchanted Key and thought it was either an Elder Artifact or had the potential to help solve the issue of the Elves being bound to her (in a sense).
- Since Seren never came to Gielinor, Zaros never came either
- Since Zaros never came, Loarnab was never used as a living battery to power portals for demons to arrives to Gielinor
Loarnab was then able to achieve sentience (he was a beastial god, much like Tuska ... all divine power, no higher brain function).
- Loarnab more or less filled the role that Zaros had
- Without Seren's influence/support over the 1st Age, Guthix was likely a little more ... angrish (what's the word?) ... not quite as gentle as we knew him before ...
- Without anyone needing to visit Guthix, Guthix is still asleep
02-Jun-2017 06:25:36