I believe that our Jagexian overlords have a plaque at the entrance to the building which they have to slap every day on their way into work that states, "What's True Today isn't necessarily true tomorrow!"
That being said, If Temekel is still "alive," it's doubtful that it's in his original form. As has been stated, Azzanadra's power was held in the Desert Treasure crystals, Sliske apparently is Valkorion, so perhaps Mahjarrat have an ability to remove themselves from their physical form (kind of like their big brother Zaros, come to think of it). This is merely speculation, but if it is true, then that would raise some interesting questions.
First, if they share the ability to leave their body with Mah's other kids (I do believe it was speculated that Guthix may have also gained this power as he grew in power), can their bodies be rebuilt using Elder energy? If you put enough Elder energy into it, could you build your own Mahjarrat servant (by building a body without a mind/spirit/soul to put in it)?
Next, if you took a Mahjarrat gem, could you revive one who is literally deceased? Could Big Z Sr. be brought back? What about the other female Mahjarrat? Could more potential mates be brought into the mix?
12-Apr-2017 03:21:43