From a practical PoV, I don't think they would bother with Kami.
What's-his-name was trying to build a weapon out of Divine Energy, like they did in WE2. Kami was a walking-talking bundle of divine energy. So it would make sense he would try to harvest her.
But, she's not THAT much energy.
I don't think any of the gods need to transmute something that badly. Plus, there is plenty of other sources of divine energy about.
Second, the gods tend to like to observe, and like Elf of Seren said, collect "unique" individuals.
How many other collections of Divine Energy have been able to produce a sentient individual?
so far, the energy at best has managed to become floating wisps or a single large ball of energy/memory.
There really isn't anything even remotely close to the scale of Kami.
Thirdly, think of what Kami represents.
When a god dies, there is nothing else for them. They just turn to stone. No afterlife.
At best, their teaching and influence carrying on after they are gone.
Mah had something in that the Nightmares and Muspah would continue to spawn even after she died. Would take years, but still.
But here, something tangible of Guthix has carried on.
Guthix's memories, coalesced around a singular thought so strongly, it became a whole being.
THIS!!! This is the closest any of the gods could ever hope to have for a post-ascension legacy.
Bandos and V didn't have something happen like this when they died. Mah was probably denied because of Zaros, Zam, and the Mahjarrat draining her.
I'm sure if Armadyl, Sara, Zaros, and Seren got close to her, they would honestly want to get to know her, observe her ... maybe study.
If even after Guthix's death, a single important memory could come into being like Kami did, even if it isn't really Guthix, and in a way, not Guthix's daughter, it is still ... something.
Here, Zaros or Sara might take the oppurtunity to wonder if another could come to take their place. Or Aramdyl having someone to live a way he was denied
07-Jan-2017 22:09:33