They are almost certainly setting up another plot twist. Do you think we'd be getting, quote, "A six month Legacy of Zamorak storyline," if things are going to work out exactly how we expect they will? (Ie we kick Zammy out, banish all the gods, and lose our World Guardian powers) If it were, we'd be over and done with everything on July 4th when the elite dungeon comes out.
Furthermore, it wouldn't make much sense for them to come up with the whole detailed explanation of our World Guardian powers in the past two years of quests only for them to unceremoniously take them away for good. If they thought the World Guardian was a bad idea, they could have just handwaved it that we became a normal mortal again after Sliske's Endgame or just never mentioned it again. The writers are deliberately creating intrigue and setting something up with those powers.
This ritual is just not going to work. Possible reasons why:
1. Someone will intervene and stop it all at the last minute. Many people, especially followers of other gods, have motives to do so.
2. Zamorak is tricking us into banishing the other gods in a way that allows him to control the Edicts himself. Maybe by absorbing Guthix's essence from us or finding a way to use the Sword of Edicts in the Wilderness. We got the supplies for the test ritual from Isaura, one of his subordinates, and he or one of his followers may have tampered with them in some way. He has a number of smart people like Bilrach working for him who could have come up with such a plot. Not to mention that Zamorak himself was once a great general and knows how the followers of the other living gods and Guthix operate by now.
And if that happens, then the story will turn into finding a way to reverse the whole thing, which would make us the World Guardian again.
3. Considering how Extinction played out, I can see some out of left field thing happening like Zamorak randomly being assassinated. The "legacy" would be like his funeral then.
20-Jun-2022 23:59:18