So it's been discussed so much in community that it is almost canon at this point, Wen corrupted Mah in an attempt to kill her. The question is why? I believe it comes down to sentient life forms. AKA us. Now we have been given conflicting information on Mah's views of life. It is said as elder god of potential she would've been able to see what life could become and suppress it had she not been corrupted. However it's also stated that during the last revision she was creating and playing with butterflies. She's also created TONS of sentient life in her anima-lacking form. The Mahjarrat, the Mahserrat, the Chelon-Mah, the Muspah, Seren, and Zaros. This would indicate that she does indeed wish for their to be life. But in COM we witness her nightmares, and all of them are of her creations (life). So where does Mah stand when it comes to living things? Answer this and we also know where Wen stands. As she seems opposed to Mah. Is Wen friend or foe? That depends on what Mah was.
I have seen the dark universe yawning, where the black planets roll without aim;
Where they roll in their horror unheeded, without knowledge or lustre or name.
04-Jan-2017 16:15:18