Or "Ruling" or "governing" or "Lordship", "Stewardship"... etc.
Full disclosure: I've not read that many other new skill proposals so don't know if something like this has already been proposed.
Ok, this is my idea for a new OSRS skill. I've been playing the game off and on somewhat casually since 2004/ early days of RS2. Was very active when skills like Slayer, Hunter, Farming, Construction and Summoning were launched. My main thought is that to be a good skill it has to do the following:
1. Provide new and interesting ways to engage with both new content and existing content in a new way
2. Provide reasons to level up beyond just the max cape or the quest requirements
3. Be enjoyable to train and provide a variety of ways to train
So my pitch: The skill is (working title) "Ruler". With the Ruler skill, you will develop your political/administrative skills and reputation as a leader. As part of the skill a new kingdom will be released where you can climb the political ladder from surf to king and gain the benefits of power as you do.
This would function as more of an endgame skill, with certain quests and other skills being either required or beneficial towards building your reputation and ability to level up as a Ruler. I envision it as a passive/recurring training method similar to farming - you would direct activities and give orders to your growing base of subjects and gain XP over time as those plans are carried out. The plans themselves would provide you opportunities to level other skills as well by unlocking new content and areas.
This skill could revive and provide more reasons to explore existing content too. For example: earning the respect of other Gielinor Rulers by completing quests in their kingdoms or currying favor from them could help you develop your skills as a ruler.
Could also interact with Construction/POH by allowing you to build out your Palace/Court and providing some benefits.
23-Jan-2023 22:01:00