I think this would be helpful for any person playing on a laptop. Note that others in the thread have mentioned that Runelite can do this via a plugin (enables chat by pressing enter, otherwise locked to camera), but I sometimes prefer to use the C++ steam client since it's far more optimized which saps my battery life less and doesn't heat my laptop that much.
And yes, middle click camera movements are superior, but I typically don't have a mouse on hand with my laptop since I think track pads work just fine on the go, and many times I might not have a desk to play on (or limited desk space).
This probably doesn't bother left-handed players, but it would be super nice for right-handed laptop players!
This also probably shouldn't be the default, but a simple check-box options like many of the other QoL options available in the Steam/Mobile clients.
25-Nov-2022 17:28:43