Please just bring back slayer partner. Fix the abuse of course, but bring it back.. Its insane that its been years and it still hasnt come back .. Even more so when there is still an option like a chicken tease on the gem.. I wan't to slayer with my partner, I play exclusively with her except for boring tedious tasks and doing slayer together would be amazing. PLEASE.
It was a good mechanic and I understand people getting angry about level 3s running around with the 99 slayer cape (hell, im a vet, i'm almost at 20 years, only 1 and a half to go), but disabling it instead of fixing it was a poor decision.. The code is already there, just put some effort into fixing the abuse and relaunch it.
Possible fixes:
Combat level parity, maybe a 10 level difference in combat level
Combat level scaling, if someone whos far higher than you is partnering (say a level 60 with a level 3) you get far less exp, considering how easy it is to kill the mob compared between the players..
To avoid spamming good tasks like crazy:
Add a partner block list (separate from the normal block list), everytime you partner up with someone you get a pop up in which they can choose which tasks to block, the amount that can be blocked is limited by the amount blocked by the player who has less blocks, for example if a player has only blocked 2 tasks while the other blocked 4, when partnering they can only block 2.. that way blocks dont stack and you cant abuse it.. Of course the normal blocks become unusable when partnering..
And that's it.. thats all that's required to fix slayer partners (I think)
PLEASE, bring it back, taking it off without even a poll was a dick move. Leaving the option in the gem as a reminder was even worse (queue the malicious compliance and them taking the option off instead of fixing the damn mechanic)
22-Jan-2023 16:42:49