
Overgrown Forest - Mini-game

Quick find code: 322-323-485-66282252

Cooked by me
Jan Member 2024

Cooked by me

Posts: 9 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Introduction: I really enjoy the Guardians of the Rift and Wintertodt activities, their three pronged skilling approach has inspired me to piece together my own mini-game. This mini-game mainly focuses on Woodcutting with Hunter and Herblore being the secondary and tertiary skills. The idea of the mini-game was thought of to give self-restricted accounts an additional way to obtain the Lumberjack outfit, as well as, add mini game based skill training to the skills involved.

Quests Required: Fossil Island, Druidic Ritual

Levels Required to start: 30 Woodcutting, 29 Hunter, 19 Herblore, Optional: 50 Construction (Creates a portal at the Fossil Island main camp to redirect the naturally occurring portal, otherwise you will have to run to the far south east side of the island.)

Items Required: Mortar and Pestle, Axe, Net, and Rope

Mini-game info: This mini-game will feature a combat experience free way of obtaining the Lumberjack outfit. It will take place on an island near Fossil Island, after a large earthquake causes mysterious things to happen. Following the earthquake a portal between Fossil island and the island containing the Overgrown Forest is discovered on the south-eastern most point of Fossil Island.

Each game will have an alternating maze based map that has hidden areas containing trees that are all as big as the red woods. At the start of the game you will be given an animal call from the Explorer NPCs. You will have to collect a certain type of tar and herb that corresponds to the salamander needed. After, you will track the footprints of the type of salamander that specifically gathers around the large tree of your choosing. When you arrive at the tree you will blow the animal call to signal to the NPCs where the tree is located, upon their arrival a bank deposit box will appear and the NPCs will start doing various jobs around the tree.

~~Continued in comments~~

20-Jun-2023 19:05:42

Cooked by me
Jan Member 2024

Cooked by me

Posts: 9 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The trees found within the mini-game are: Willows, Yews, Magics, and Redwoods. Each tree will require a certain woodcutting, hunter, and herblore level to find and cut down. In this format wc/hunt/herb I would suggest the levels be 30/29/19, 60/47/31, 75/59/39, and 90/67/44. The hunter and herblore levels correspond with the levels needed to catch the colored salamanders and create the ammo used for the salamander. These are special variants of the colored salamanders, usable only within the mini-game. They will not require any combat levels to equip and will give no combat experience when used. Only the hunter level will be required to equip. The salamanders will be used to burn the branches that have overgrown and raveled around the giant trees. Once at the tree you will have some time before the branches that are raveled around the tree become attackable. During this time you will set net traps to collect the salamanders that are gathering around the giant tree. After some time of collecting salamanders the mini game will begin. You will start by equipping the salamander and attacking the raveled branches. Each salamander will only last a certain amount of time before you get a notification saying the salamander squirmed out of your hands and ran off, so you will have to collect multiple salamanders. The raveled branches will have a health bar that acts as a shield for the tree. The shield is depleted as you attack with the salamanders. Each time you attack you will get a exp drop for herblore and hunter based on the damage done. The damage done will be calculated by herblore level and your hunter level will determine the accuracy. Making each salamander have a max hit, regardless of heblore level, will encourage players to continually track their best salamander possible. It will also act as a deterrent to people seeking to increase their woodcutting time spent, by going to lower level trees and blasting through the raveled branches portion.


20-Jun-2023 19:06:18 - Last edited on 20-Jun-2023 19:24:41 by Cooked by me

Cooked by me
Jan Member 2024

Cooked by me

Posts: 9 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As the branches slowly burn away, they start to reveal the body of the tree. Once the raveled branches are gone and the body of the tree is exposed, it is ready to be cut down. The tree will also have a health bar and its current health will be based on the amount of logs that are still obtainable. During the time you are able to cut you will always obtain double logs and have a chance at triple the amount of logs with a single action. As you cut the tree the raveled branches will slowly grow back, until you are unable to swing at the tree. After this you will have to burn the branches with the salamander again. If the branches are not burned quick enough and the tree’s health hasn’t been depleted in a while, it will slowly start to regenerate it’s health.

After every completed tree you will obtain a few golden tree seeds that correspond to the tree you just completed and 1-3 Reward Caskets based on contribution. Each type of seed can be redeemed for points and will give a specific amount based on the tier of seed. After the outfit is obtained through opening Reward Caskets. The golden seeds can be used to upgrade the lumberjack outfit. I think since hunter is involved in this mini-game, it would look cool to have a black chinchompa as a hat. For its added mechanics, similar to the Tempoross’ angler’s outfit upgrade, the lumberjack upgrade would enable the storage of a net and rope within the outfit to use during the mini-game.

Completed game rewards: Large amount of Woodcutting, Hunter, and Herblore experience dropped at end of game based on a percentage of gained experience, Golden Tree Seeds, and 1-3 Reward Chests based on contribution.

Point Rewards: Reward Chests, Herbs/Secondary Ingredients, and Experience in Woodcutting, Hunter, or Herblore.

Golden Seed Rewards: Points, Unlockable stump that has been carved and petrified allowing it to be used as a mortar and pestle, Feral Lumberjack outfit (lol jagex can make up a better name.), and the Herb Sack.

20-Jun-2023 19:07:13 - Last edited on 20-Jun-2023 19:15:30 by Cooked by me

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