The premise of the bug is that the raid is set to 160, with "Walk for it" (+10) as one of the invocations. I use this setup whilst chilling with 0 pressure to complete it in 40 mins, but just a free +10 whilst keeping it low enough to be chill.
As "Walk for it" is a +10, in theory if I do not complete the raid in 40 minutes, that invocation is void, which would drop me to 150 keeping within normal, however it drops to 140 despite only being a +10. This makes 0 sense as a +10 takes off -20 if not met? This has happened a few times and i kept thinking i was being an idiot and not setting up right, but that is not the case. My exact invocations for this are:
Softcore run
"Walk for it"*
On a diet
Living Larvae
More overlords
Blowing mud
Aerial Assault
Not just a head
Arterial spray
Blood thinners
Feeling special?
Gotta have faith
Shaking things up
Overclocked (1)
Rather annoying on occasions i've missed out on normal loot, but would be good to prevent this happening or atleast explained
22-Oct-2023 22:56:12