Let's face it, ironman and regular osrs accounts are two different game modes. On regular accounts you thrive off the player economy, selling your loot and buying upgrades. On ironman accounts it's a different story, you optimize your gear and grind monsters & bosses in hopes of rng luck for gear upgrades.
It makes sense to have RNG luck for regular accounts as an overstimulated economy is obviously bad, but for ironman locked accounts it doesn't make much sense. Ironman accounts are solo players who rely heavily on skill to play the game. They don't get any sort of help from other players. So why are certain ironman accounts being punished by luck RNG? Having 1000 kills at barrows with only half the rewards is distasteful and off-putting to many ironman players, especially if you need that certain gear to unlock the next content.
Let's introduce a way for ironman locked accounts to benefit off skill RNG rather than just luck RNG. If i complete a barrows run as an ironman in under X minutes, I have a 10/20/30% better chance at getting a barrows item (barrows is just used as an example, this could be applied to any content). This type of RNG encourages ironman players to optimize their gear and improve their skills rather than punishing them for being good and relying only on luck.
Like i previously stated, this RNG would only be a benefit to ironman locked accounts, meaning you can't downgrade to a regular account.
03-Jun-2023 20:26:43