After leaving RS2 10 years ago i returned for OSRS to get the great experience of how it used to be. im just sad about the fact that OSRS is slowly turning into RS3 alike.
Ofcourse jagex should keep updating with new content or the game dies. I like the way polls are used to get new content that people support, the only thing is each question is mostly about yes or no answers. It should consist more options. For instance adding untradable cosmetic items. I said no because i want it to be tradable. but it doesnt mean i dont like the idea. That option is not listed in the answers. Maybe the option to add comments on poll questions, wich can be voted for.
The only thing i dont get and dont like is that everything now becomes a point based system for rewards and minigame alike, its not skill based anymore that way. And you see tier 1 tier 2 etc, It should be more old school, this gives me rs3 vibes. Its a game about training skills not playing minigames, thats a game in a game. Connect new updates to skills ad new tabs in the skills to add new things to them from lvl 1 to 99, that sounds old school to me.
Also kourend is great for some skills, its not to overpowered where other skilling methods fall away. But man the land is chaotic as hell. The colors are way to vibrant, not matching anything of old school. The graphical things added in the landscape are not matching the old school, take a hay bale for instance, its totally different, with no options. try and use a starting point of designing, take lumbridge varrock as a model to use and build it up like that. This also gives me rs3 vibes. Wich i think it shouldnt be there and should be reverted. it feels to me to much RS3 influence is implemented by creators who create at RS3.
I dont hope jagex makes the new skill becomming a minigame like dungeoneering. The moment that got in the game back in the day i quit.
Please make a polls for all this.
And penguin spying needs to make a return! Bye.
25-Apr-2023 20:26:27