This would probably be a reward from either slayer or Tithe Farm. Maybe there are other areas of the game where notes are common.
Anyway, the idea is to have a container, similar to the rune pouch, that would consolidate several stacks of noted items into one inventory slot. In terms of in-game physics this makes more than enough sense; after all the notes are only tiny slips of paper. We should be able to organize and store them in one place. For the inventory sprite, I recommend a classic three-ring binder. Code-wise, this shouldn't be too different from a rune pouch or seed box.
Naturally you'd have to limit the number of slots available in the binder. Four sounds like too few, and ten sounds like way more than enough. Eight could be the right number, since there are (by my count) eight types of harvestable farming allotments, and thus a player going on farming runs would always have their whole inventory open (minus tools and a seed box, of course) to receive the harvested crop.
This would also be a great benefit for those of us who go on long slayer and/or bossing grinds. Certainly the drops would have to already be noted when they're placed in the binder, or else this would make things WAY TOO EASY. But those extra seven (or so) slots would be lovely to have.
Thanks for considering it. Cheers.
14-Oct-2023 18:57:42