I understand where you're coming from in some regard, but at the same time, I do not agree with most of your points brought forward.
First of all, OSRS is probably the most grindy game ever created. A huge variety of skills, achievement diaries, quests, collection logs, maxing potential, tons of bosses and end-game content...
As you correctly stated, many of our players are not teenagers anymore, which means that playing 18h a day every day is not an option for most of us. Real life is a factor, and making the end game further away than what it already is, would in my opinion be detrimental.
Other MMORPGs consist of the same 1-60 grind, which more often than not can be done in a week or so, and then micro-transactions, same old dungeons, and semi-active pvping, where you are forced to switch servers permanently to be able to play with other people. All the above are problems we do not have?
So in what way is our game easy? I would beg to differ and say that there is so much content and grind, that it sometimes feels like you need to give up on your real life, to be able to even come close to achieving the things that you say are "easy to obtain".
I believe that the goal of our real lives as well as our virtual ones are the JOURNEY ITSELF. Focusing on if you can get a pet or not, or if you have a Lamborghini in real life, is a bad way to look at one's progress or personal development. The road to becoming a high-end player is what makes this game so lovely, same goes for saying about real-life!
Take care!
Rosa coelum quaerit
17-Jan-2023 10:24:22
- Last edited on
17-Jan-2023 10:28:12