Not So Alone
Ironman Community
To become a member of our Oldschool Runescape Ironman clan, you must meet the following entry requirements:
-Total level of 1900
-Combat level of 110
-200 Efficient hours bossed
-78 Herblore
-Barrows gloves
-Fighter torso or Bandos chestplate
-Berserker ring
-Fire Cape
-Trident of the Swamp
-One piece of Zenyte jewellery
-Ava's Assembler
-Dragon Defender
Clan Name:
Not So Alone
Looking for a clan that feels like family? Look no further than Not So Alone (NSA), the ironman community. Boasting over 400 active members, our tight-knit group includes mid-game irons and zuk helm grandmasters alike, all committed to pushing our clan to new heights and becoming the top PvM'ing hub.
What's in it for you?
We take pride in our community, which is why our Clan Chat is a playful and lighthearted place to hang out. But if you're looking for more than just a chat, we've got you covered. With regular events like PvM Bingo and KC competitions, you'll have plenty of opportunities to flex your skills and compete with other members. And as a verified clan on the 'WiseOldMan' utility site, you can even compare your progress to other members and break clan records through our Discord integrations.
If you're ready to join a clan that values community, growth, and fun, NSA is the place for you. Check out our Discord for more information and get started on your ironman jou