Ranking System
Our ranking system is based on the split value of items obtained during PvM trips and events relevant to their market values.
Points will be awarded on a basis of 1 point = 1 Million GP received and split within a team of two or more members. Each other team member who didn't receive the loot will receive points equivalent to the value of the split they receive.
20 points per trip are also awarded to members who tank during bossing.
Solo loot, free for all loot and loot split in a team that doesn't consist of Hyperion members does not count towards points for a rank.
To gain points members must submit a form on our Discord server filling in the relevant sections and providing a screenshot or video as evidence otherwise no points will be awarded.
PvM Points
Members gain PvM points by splitting loot from all PvM activities, any item split will grant a maximum of 200 points and receivers of a split receive a maximum 30 points.
Community Points
These points are gained by participating in events and recruiting members to the clan with 20 awarded for each new member recruited, with an additional 50 points awarded for every 3rd member you recruit.
For events, 100 points are available for large events such as Bingo and Clan Rallies, 40 are available for skill/boss of the week events and 20 points for other timetabled events.
Bonus points are also given by discretion of the senior leadership team for contributing to the clan in other ways, these are recruiting, general activity & loyalty and event attendance.
We log all points from loot submissions and event attendance forms submitted to us and place all points on our public spreadsheet.
Note: There is a cap of 200 points per item split, points will be capped if an item received is greater than 200 million GP in value.
There is a cap of 30 points for receiving a split.
-»‡«- Hyperion -»‡«-
"Hyperion 07" 120+ Combat / 1,750+ Total PvM, Social/Raids Community