Welcome to Judicious, We're a PvM/Social clan
We are a small upcoming clan, it's a great time to join and be noticed!
Will be determined based upon forum bumping, how active you are, splits and time in clan.
1. Be active, friendly and kind.
2. You must follow all of Jagex's rules.
3. Must have Discord.
4. The highest rank at a boss trip will split all loot. No exceptions.
5. Lend items at your own risk. If lending out items, money, gear, or anything of value, members are highly encouraged to post a screenshot of the trade and context in the appropriate discord channel.
6. Screenshot all rare drops and post in the appropriate discord channel.
7. Scamming any item will result in being kicked and blacklisted on ORA and RuneWatch.
8. No multi-clanning allowed.
9. No crashing other members.
10. You cannot PK other clanmates.
11. You must notify clan staff in the appropriate discord channel when you have a name change.
12. If you are aware you will go through a period of inactivity, please let clan staff know.
(if you do not let a staff member know, you will be deranked during this time)
13. Overtly offensive comments and/or discussion of a sexist, racist, political, or otherwise nature will result in a strike being issued. Any other topics deemed offensive by clan staff will also result in a strike, or up to a kick/ban at the discretion of the mod/admin team.
Rule breaking punishments:
1. First strike, and a warning.
2. Second strike, you will be kicked for a period of time.
3. Third strike, you will be banned.