Why Shoud I Join?
Your voice is heard here.
Yes we offer the usual BOTW and SOTW....but that's not all.
can vote on what content you want to do.
can host your own events.
can help shape the way the clan grows.
Now here's what we can do for you...
listen to what you want and take your opinions into our consideration.
can help you learn and grow your PvM knowledge.
offer rewards for every offical clan run event.
have long term goals. Up to 12 months out.
Im still not convinced....
I do not know any other clan that truly puts you first. I have structured this clan in a way for everyone to win. No matter the outcome.
This is not simply a "here is our events and what we kill" type of post.
This is a "We Offer You More" post.
Requirements : 1000 total level & 50 combat level
Join the Discord to Apply | Reqs: 1k total & 50cmb