Killer Bots
Clan Chat:
Members: 10
Homeworld: 330
Main Time Zone: Europe & US;
About us:
We are a small guild looking to expand. A lot of us are new/returning players. We want people to game with, hang out , and even watch movies together.
We help people quest, level, share resources, and just have fun. The clan is very new lol.
We would like to help all of our members grow and thrive. Our main goal is to help everyone advance in a fun casual way.
1) The XP event. On the 20th of every month post the date and your total xp. Who ever gets the most wins 20m.
2) Kill CJ event. This event is every Tuesday. CJ will host a kill him and a friend event in his POH. The defenders, CJ and his friend, will protect the loot room for the POH. Each person CJ and his friend must be killed at least once. CJ and his friend cannot bank or get more food. Everyone else can. Once they are killed who ever gets to the loot chest and gets the cash. Also wins 5m.
Who to contact: CJXIVV
21-Jun-2023 22:58:09