To be extremely honest, you don't want to be in whatever game mode when you want to experience your favorite childhood game or are interested in RS3 FSW which game modes like IM weren't explicitly disallowed.
Game modes are absolutely not what MMORPG, especially old school MMORPG are about. We never had game mode in our favorite childhood variants of Runescape. When we die and we are no longer HCIM? We never had that in our favorite childhood game. Neither did we have no bank in our favorite childhood game. Old school players in our favorite childhood game actually rioted, and rioted hard when Jagex took away free trade from our favorite childhood game... being unable to trade now in 2023 will be a huggeeeeee detriment to our childhood memories.
If you are really hard pressed to find a game mode in OSRS, I'll say do the oneoff DMM event style GM and be done with it in days so we can go back to the persistent progression of our character with the itneraction of Massively Multiplayer, which is what MMORPG is actually.
15-Aug-2023 16:56:47