The idea is to give clans the ability to create keepsaked outfits that are shared between all of the clan members.
This should be available at a relatively high up front price in runecoins (but have no individual cost), require a large number of the items that are being used, and have a degradationcost that uses more of the items as time goes by.
Requirements could be something like 100 of the item up front, x amount of runecoins to purchase it for the clan leader(ofc payable in bonds), and a degredation cost of 10 more of each item every month.
Furthermore it could be possible to set which ranks can use the override, have different overrides for different ranks (for an additional cost), and take out extra items that have yet to degrade when the clan decides they want to change the overrides.
Certain items, such as discontinued rares should be exempted from the item degredation and instead have a runecoins/bonds degredation cost.
Why this would be a good update:
-Rep your clan colors!
-Rep your clan unity in meetings!
-Show up to events with an army of players in the same gear!
-Clan Fashionscape!
-Let your high rankers look cool!
-Compete with other clans to have the most expensive overrides you can get your hands on!
-Your noobs get to pretend to have cool gear!
-Or not if you want to remind them they are still noobs!
-Take certain items out of the game to increase demand!
-More money for Jagex because you KNOW clans will do this to show off no matter how much it costs.
13-Oct-2018 05:03:25