I would like for Jagex to think of new items and not go back to replicas.
When I say replicas i mean the retro armors.. replicas of the old kinds
If Jagex goes back and does 100's of replicas then might as well just
put graphics back to before NXT.
I dont think replica items are that important if the game wants to conitnue to
grow and go forward.
After all if people like all the older versions they can go to OSRS and play.
Yh sure focus on more useless cosmetics with particles and things that doesnt have anything to do with runescape in the first place.
And btw they are doing that already making new cosmetics without focusing on the replicas
and you are clearly not a veteran i have the right to walk in retro/replica armour since im a loyal player started in 2007.
And saying to someone that he can go and play osrs is telling someone to quit the game
and waste hundreds of hours on a new osrs account it shouldnt be the reason to go to osrs
littery everone i talked to disagrees with the armour rework ofc there are good ones like virtus or armadyl but 90% doesnt match the game at all it is supposed to be a medieval mmo not a Cosmetic fairy plane. or a wow copy.
Give us our retro overrides back!
I would like for Jagex to think of new items and not go back to replicas.
When I say replicas i mean the retro armors.. replicas of the old kinds
If Jagex goes back and does 100's of replicas then might as well just
put graphics back to before NXT.
I dont think replica items are that important if the game wants to conitnue to
grow and go forward.
After all if people like all the older versions they can go to OSRS and play.
Yh sure focus on more useless cosmetics with particles and things that doesnt have anything to do with runescape in the first place.
And btw they are doing that already making new cosmetics without focusing on the replicas
and you are clearly not a veteran i have the right to walk in retro/replica armour since im a loyal player started in 2007.
And saying to someone that he can go and play osrs is telling someone to quit the game
and waste hundreds of hours on a new osrs account it shouldnt be the reason to go to osrs
littery everone i talked to disagrees with the armour rework ofc there are good ones like virtus or armadyl but 90% doesnt match the game at all it is supposed to be a medieval mmo not a Cosmetic fairy plane. or a wow copy.
how can you be loyal if your membership lapsed you goofball? also rs3 is not classed as a medieval mmo anymore just fantasy so get that idea out of your skull. why add more retro shit when nobody uses it to begin with? making cosmetics more people will purchase is obviously the smarter decision rather than pandering to the crybabies that want their 07 graphics back.
I agree that the Solomon team should focus on new things, and they do!
We haven't had a replica item since around 2013!
All we want is maybe a replica item every couple years, is that too much to ask?!?
I get infuriated when people say "just go play OSRS".
I've got 1004 days pumped into this account, starting over is NOT an option.
if starting over isn't an option then you aren't very passionate about the game are you? if you really enjoyed the game you would love to do the grind again on osrs. it really is too much to ask for more ugly items that don't fit the fantasy theme of rs3. go play osrs.
I would like for Jagex to think of new items and not go back to replicas.
When I say replicas i mean the retro armors.. replicas of the old kinds
If Jagex goes back and does 100's of replicas then might as well just
put graphics back to before NXT.
I dont think replica items are that important if the game wants to conitnue to
grow and go forward.
After all if people like all the older versions they can go to OSRS and play.
i am in agreement with all of these points.
I would like for Jagex to think of new items and not go back to replicas.
When I say replicas i mean the retro armors.. replicas of the old kinds
If Jagex goes back and does 100's of replicas then might as well just
put graphics back to before NXT.
I dont think replica items are that important if the game wants to conitnue to
grow and go forward.
After all if people like all the older versions they can go to OSRS and play.
i am in agreement with all of these points.
listen up you dont have to wear it so stay out of it
Give us our retro overrides back!
I would like for Jagex to think of new items and not go back to replicas.
When I say replicas i mean the retro armors.. replicas of the old kinds
If Jagex goes back and does 100's of replicas then might as well just
put graphics back to before NXT.
I dont think replica items are that important if the game wants to conitnue to
grow and go forward.
After all if people like all the older versions they can go to OSRS and play.
i am in agreement with all of these points.
listen up you dont have to wear it so stay out of it
I agree that the Solomon team should focus on new things, and they do!
We haven't had a replica item since around 2013!
All we want is maybe a replica item every couple years, is that too much to ask?!?
I get infuriated when people say "just go play OSRS".
I've got 1004 days pumped into this account, starting over is NOT an option.
if starting over isn't an option then you aren't very passionate about the game are you? if you really enjoyed the game you would love to do the grind again on osrs. it really is too much to ask for more ugly items that don't fit the fantasy theme of rs3. go play osrs.
go grind a entire new osrs account yourself and come back to me to say you enjoyed it believe me it sucks to grind a entire account all over again because they fucked the armour up i have to move to a 2 decade old version of runescape stop with this dumb argument and find your own argument.
You keep copying what has been said all over again from people like you
Give us our retro overrides back!