I think its to the point we have enough people that want more replicas added. Along with not being able to spend any loyalty points. Its been years since there were any added an seemed like alot of people enjoyed the replicas being added.
Also, in case it wasnt already obvious enough, i also support more retros.
I have similar feelings, but unfortunately that won't happen. In fact, the last few times I've asked for more replicas myself or seen someone asking for more, most people were against.
Helm of neitiznot and Dragon helm would be great. Same about Ancient Staff .
I have similar feelings, but unfortunately that won't happen. In fact, the last few times I've asked for more replicas myself or seen someone asking for more, most people were against.
Most ppl are against yak tracks yet jagex keeps adding more of those.
So whats stopping jagex from adding more of these?
Just because ppl are against something hasnt stopped jagex before.