I have been a member since the beginning of the loyalty program (6 years and 2 month) Yet, I have not been receiving my monthly loyalty points. I only received loyalty points when I bought the premier gold membership But no monthly loyalty points. Currently i'm suppose to receive my loyalty points now since it says 0 days till next payout, But my loyalty points stayed the same.
with the premier memberships I brought for last year and this year I should have about around 2 million loyalty points but I currently only have 1449770. This does not add up since my consecutive and cumulative membership is 6 years and 2 months.
Gundam Z 007
it says 0 days till next payout
Anything from 1 second to 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds is rounded down and displayed as 0 days.
You will get your loyalty points by the end of the day.