However you want to implement these cosmetics I don't care, you guys do you, however I do have a few suggestions for new animations and weapon overrides.
One of the ideas I had recently was Fighting Styles, basically, it would be a cosmetic override that would change all your melee attacks, magic attacks, and ranged attacks (Including skills) to a different style. Like an eastern fighting style would be a different stance, different swings and strikes. Like instead of the Backhand being a backhand it could be a cool kung fu punch, or a kick could be a Tae Kwon Do kick as opposed to the current one.
As for magic, that's easy, an eastern magic system would be heavily based on Tai-Chi and the more meditative and stylized aspects of Kung Fu, instead of pulling energy together, and launching it, every spell would be part of a flow, allowing the magic to move and shift and do its own thing as opposed to forcing it to do as you ask. Wrack could be something like a Chi infused open palm strike, The staff wielding would be more like what you would see with a Bo staff with some more stylized animations to fit the long wait time between auto casts.
And lastly, Eastern style weapons! I would love to carry around a japanese style armoury in my cosmetic overhauls, simple katana, nothing overly fancy and glowing with flames shooting out of every orifice (I really don't like flashy weapons/armor), just simple things, like a katana replacer for the mainhand weapon, a wakizashi as a defender/offhand weapon, a Daikatana as a two hander, held the way a Daikatana is supposed to be held. Sai, Bo staves, Kunai, Shuriken, so many different weapons could be made from the far eastern cultures, and I really wish there were more eastern style weapons and armor that didn't have to be flashy, just neat and practical. Stuff like the eastern clothing.
"When people told their past with stories, explained their present with stories, foretold the future with stories. The best place by the fire was saved for, The Storyteller"-John Hurt, The Storyteller intro.
21-Sep-2017 01:03:12