Hi Mod William,
I signed up to the Gold Premier membership the day it came out, very happy with the results so far. However, I do have some questions and feedback.
1. When will we receive our quarterly newsletters? Some players speculated it would be in January.
2. Should the 10% discount stack with the 10% we already have? I spent all my points on a nice Skypouncer pet which comes in handy with slayer tasks.
3. Could we please have two tones with Paladin Armor? I love it, I adore it, I want to snuggle with it, but the silver/white armor and highlights could be improved! For instance, I'd love to have it as black with red, or gold and silver, etc. Please consider this as feedback.
4. What will the betas be about? I take it one of them will be about RS3, another about RS and handheld consoles, but will we have access to quest betas?
5. Not necessarily feedback, but still. Should be added. I am kicking myself for not applying to work with y'all when I was still in England. I'd love to visit HQs.
Mod Drebin,
Yes, I did! And regarding a post you posted yesterday or the day before, you said you wouldnt be caught dead without Paladin Armor! But your avatar doesnt seem to be wearing it. Therefore, *throws deathtouched dart at you* How'd you like me now?
I was first!
16-Jan-2013 16:37:47
- Last edited on
16-Jan-2013 16:51:45
Matrim Cauth