We are a newer clan currently attempting to get our feet under us. Our primary focus is as a social clan which all are welcome to join. We
Christian based, but that doesn't mean no one else can join. On the contrary, we welcome all. As long as you're okay with the occasional discussion of Christian topics.
If at first you join and find no one currently within, give it time and try again. We are a newer clan, like I said, and we are working on building our member base. For a place that is always manned, check out our discord!
(Link at the bottom.)
The rules are simple and governed by Biblical principles.
1. No Blasphemy.
2. No trolling.
Trolling includes: spamming; stirring up strife deliberately; instigating controversy for the sake of controversy etc.
3. We do not go to other cc for the purpose of warring with them. This is NOT de wayyy.
4. Be respectful.
Its is entirely possible to respectful disagree with someone over religion, doctrine, or any non religious subject.
5. No cursing/cussing.
I understand some of you may slip up. Please put effort in.
6. Everyone is allowed into the cc.
We do not discriminate against people. Period. Full stop.
7. Rules may be altered or refined.
This is not a dictatorship, if you have a suggestion or an idea on improving the guidelines or rules just drop a message in the "complaints, concerns, requests, and suggestions" channel.
To Join:
Simple join Psalm Tree. We are available for any type of discussion or question. We can also be found on Discord at https://discord.gg/hEAw3ppAbj