Rank System
† Clan Member Ranks :
Corporal - 10m xp
Sergeant - 30m xp
Lieutenant - 75m xp
Captain - 150m xp
General - 300m xp
Administrative Team :
(Must be a General to apply for these positions)
- General Admin duties
(Minor Events, Promote Citadel, Rank ups, Monitor Clan Chat)
- Event Manager
(PvM, Skilling and Miscellaneous Events)
– Heads of Administrative Roles
(Conflict Resolution, Mediator)
Leadership :
- General clan management; Advisor.
Deputy Owner
- Assists Owner with daily tasks; clan management; Leader Sub-In.
Clan Owner
- Clan management and implementing impactful clan changes.
Administrative Requirements:
(For all Administrative Members and higher)
† Chat and be helpful in the clan chat.
† Must be active on our discord and assist with admin duties.
† Assist in recruiting and invites for players within the Forums/In-Game.
† Must cap at the citadel every week.
Wealthy Royals
Overseer of Wealthy Royals