Posting this as my alt is a part of the clan.
Welcome to Helwyrs Chosen!
We are a newly formed clan of moderately experienced players who love to help others learn the game. With less than 10 members as of this post, we're looking for like minded players and new/returning players who are also looking for a small close-knit community to socialize with. There is no barrier of entry or commitment except to talk to us, and be willing to improve within the expectations of your own goals. Tell your own story and we'll be there to help you get there.
As a clan, we hope to host many learning events.
We hope to be there for you.
We hope to see you grow.
We hope to celebrate with you.
As a clan, we hope you'll be there for your fellow Runescapers.
Clan Admins
Deputy Owners:
Kazzonda and Ciercies/Ciercy
is the lead and resident know-how on Combat among us. Specifically low-mid tier combat.
is the friendly neighborhood friend. They enjoy participating in the game's content, new and old.
is the Ironman account of
. The mellow teacher of the group.
Please contact one of us, guest or make a post with your active timezones and questions if you have any interest in joining what we hope to be, a growing close-knit clan.