
The Golden Roses

Quick find code: 290-291-183-66257917

Sep Member 2021


Posts: 1,419 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1. Intro

Hello there! Welcome to the thread of The Golden Roses!

I think its such an honor you decided to check us out by opening and reading our post!

Who is The Golden Roses?

We are a worldwide social/casual clan. We believe in inclusion and playing runescape together. The Golden Roses understands that there are many ways to play the game and there are different types of players. We welcome them all! We have lvl 3 starters, lvl 138 players and everything in between. We welcome members, as well as free to players. Irons (and hcims) are welcome as well. We think that if you're a PVMer or just a skiller, runescape is for all!

We understand that everyone was a new player at some point. We dont mind helping you out where needed. We are always there for each other whenever its needed. Love and respect for each other is our key to the success we made so far.

The Golden Roses was found at February 17th 2022. The name was inspired by the Het's Oasis item golden roses. Just like the item has a high value in game, so are the clanmates. The teammates would be totally useless without our clanmates so we see ourselves as one big team.

!! The Golden Roses is a RS3 clan. !!

Owner of The Golden Roses

17-Jul-2022 10:21:16 - Last edited on 03-Feb-2023 19:43:49 by DirkjeNL

Sep Member 2021


Posts: 1,419 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
2. Index:

1. Intro
2. Index (you are now here) + The clanmates speak
3. Continue The clanmates speak
4. Clan Rules
5. Ranking System
6. How to join us

3. The clanmates speak

I can tell you why you should join us, but I think its better if you hear it from the people that come online and see us daily; the clanmates. Some of them share their experiences with you, so you have an idea of who we are!

From one of our dedicated F2P clannies:
I still remember, one day, wondering in my head what the heck was that thing… an Evil tree. Thing is, soon I starting chatting with people next to me, doing the tree. One invited me for their clan. I was still on a clan, back from the time I played the game almost 11 years ago. It was all silent for the few days I had played the game when I returned. So, first, I joined as guess, later as full member. The reason I still remember that day vividly is because it changed my experience of playing RuneScape. Till that day I was a lone, free to play player, with no social interaction in this game, even though I once was part of a clan. That changed when I entered The Golden Roses. Everyone is kind, nice and thoughtful. We have laughs over the clan chat, tell jokes, play around… and never felt looked down for being a F2P player. Actually I got a lot of advices on how to “git gud”. All this to say that I, not for a single moment, have ever regretted joining this amazing clan!
Owner of The Golden Roses

17-Jul-2022 10:21:36 - Last edited on 02-Feb-2023 21:23:24 by DirkjeNL

Sep Member 2021


Posts: 1,419 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

The Clanmates Speak continues:

From one of our teammates:
"I joined the Golden Roses after hearing the clan leader talk at the GE, and after a few days guesting I felt like this clan was the one for me. From the maxed accounts to the lower levels, everyone has been super helpful. Clanmates come from across the world and everyday is a learning experience for me, from what other countries eat to what they do and whats considered normal for them and me."

From one of our users with an Iron account:
"This clan is special to me for a few different reasons. We are all inclusive, doesn't matter who you are or where you are from, you are welcome here. Leadership plans different events and do them at several different times to try and accommodate different time zones and schedules. I think the most important thing about this clan is they have made me feel like part of a family. We are very supportive in game and in real life, they have helped me get through some pretty rough times lately. Come join our family. We are happy to have you."
Owner of The Golden Roses

17-Jul-2022 10:21:46 - Last edited on 02-Feb-2023 21:24:18 by DirkjeNL

Sep Member 2021


Posts: 1,419 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
From a clanmate that helps out in discord a lot:
"Golden Roses is a competent and knowledgeable clan with a large player base. Many of its clanmates are dedicated to skilling and pvm and in various stages in the game. We have free and pay-to-play gamers in this clan, but nonetheless our clan is tight. We actually know each other’s preferences and interests, and we care about our fellow clanmates even though we make up dozens of time zones. Although we are a down to business clan, we also have our fair share of community and fun."

From one of our loyal clannies:
"When initially looking for a clan, I came across The Golden Roses, I guested for about a week before deciding to join. Over the time I guested everyone was super friendly, chat was super social and talkative. Been in for a few months now, and everything is great, chat is always social, there's people to pvm with, people to skill with, and people to just chat with. Made a few friends within the clan to pvm with, and invited a few of my own friends because of how chill the clan is. Great clan, great clannies, great leader, great times."
Owner of The Golden Roses

17-Jul-2022 10:42:14 - Last edited on 27-Jan-2023 16:53:48 by DirkjeNL

Sep Member 2021


Posts: 1,419 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
4. Clan rules 1.0

Every clan has rules and we are no exception. Rules are here to make sure that the clan you joined stays the clan you joined. Meaning, that it continues to meet your expectations.

Our team:
Clan Owner: DirkjeNL

Deputy Owners: M A DD

Overseers: Bellee45

Coordinators: Wolf-Tail

Admins: Houyi, Ezavea, Alqualonde, Wild Wardin

Our clanrules:
Note: All of these rules apply everywhere its part of The Golden Roses community. In game, in discord, etc.

1. Runescape and Jagex:

- All runescape and Jagex rules apply in this clan.

2. Respect:

This is our most important rule. Have respect for your fellow clanmates. Its okay to ask something if you don't understand something. We are here to help others.
The following is not allowed at all and could lead to instant kicks and bans:
- Any form of hate, judging or discriminating towards other people. Disrespecting other clannies could lead to instant ban!
- Acting like you're better than others
- Disrespecting opinions. You dont have to agree with everyone, but know when to stop. Sometimes you gotta agree to disagree.
- Scamming.
- Drama: Please dont spread arguments over the entire clanchat where its not needed.
- The following topics are so sensitive that we have decided to ban them from being discussed:
Politics, Race, religion.

3. Begging/loaning money:

- Begging is not allowed in clan. Not within clan, not outside clan. We will respect that the money is worked hard for and you can do the same. Asking nicely for help is okay, but we must accept no for an answer.
This could lead to warnings and at the worst case a kick.
- If clannies decide to loan/donate they do so at their own risk.
Owner of The Golden Roses

17-Jul-2022 10:54:15 - Last edited on 18-Jun-2023 10:41:31 by DirkjeNL

Sep Member 2021


Posts: 1,419 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Clan Rules 2.0

4. Safety:

We think its important everybody should feel safe and welcome in clan. Everybody should be able to trust their fellow mates. We welcome anyone, and thats why we have the following rules. The following isnt allowed and could lead to instant kick and bans:
- luring and pking clanmates.
- NSFW content in any form.

5. Alternaltive accounts:

Alternaltive accounts are welcome in The Golden Roses. As we are a big clan we like to keep organised and learn who is who. If you have an alt account in clan, please let a staff member know. We will assign the alt the role that makes it clear. If we see this didnt happen we will remind you. If we find out an alt still isnt known with the staff, could result in a kick of your alt.

6. Other:

Even though breaking one of these rules isnt too serious. The consequenses wont be too much, they are still rules and must be followed:
- Even though we welcome clanmates from all over the world, the language we speak is English.
- If you disagree with a decision a clanleader makes, you may say so. We are also human beings so for sure we can make a mistake too. Though at the end of the day, clanleaders say is final.

Owner of The Golden Roses

17-Jul-2022 10:56:42

Sep Member 2021


Posts: 1,419 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
5. Ranking system

We truly believe in treating each other equally. We think that it shouldnt matter which rank you are, you are important. I can have a brilliant idea, a wonderful team. But without our clanmates, we are nowhere to be seen. Also we understand that Runescape is just a game. Nothing important at all. And so nothing, not even capping should feel like a chore. Its highly recommended for your boosters. It can also be seen as a way to do something back and show you appreciate the clan you're in.

We have rankings, purely because we understand that clans and rankings belong to each other. As we dont care about ranks that much, we ONLY rank based on time spent in clan. Here is a schedule of what you need to do for your next rank:

If you get invited in TGR, you are a RECRUIT
If you spent 2 WEEKS in TGR, you earn the COPORAL rank
If you spent 2 MONTHS in TGR, you earn the SERGEANT rank
If you spent 6 MONTHS in TGR, you earn the LIEUTENANT rank
If you spent 9 MONTHS in TGR, you earn the CAPTAIN rank
If you spent 1 YEAR or longer in TGR, you earn the GENERAL rank
Owner of The Golden Roses

17-Jul-2022 11:02:37 - Last edited on 17-Jul-2022 11:20:02 by DirkjeNL

Sep Member 2021


Posts: 1,419 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
6. How to join us?

If you read the thread and feel like The Golden Roses is the clan for you, you are more than welcome to join us. We have a discordserver, details about our server you can get once you get invited.

The best way to get our attention is by guesting in our clanchat in game. Please be aware that even if you're just a guest, our rules apply. Anyone can invite you, if people have trouble with that they can ask a teammate for help. You may also reply to this thread but please be aware that we might take some time to reply.
Owner of The Golden Roses

17-Jul-2022 11:08:43 - Last edited on 17-Jul-2022 11:20:32 by DirkjeNL

Sep Member 2021


Posts: 1,419 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
FSW players:

We understand that we are a Rs3(mainscape) clan, however we have built a community with clanmates that also play Fresh Start Worlds. Since Fresh Start Worlds is only temporary, we come with a service:

Guest in The Golden Roses as FSW player. Like our community? Start as a guest, and safe the invite for later! If you still have interest in The Golden Roses after FSW, we are more than happy to welcome you as clanmate!
Owner of The Golden Roses

25-Jul-2022 09:51:49 - Last edited on 05-Oct-2022 12:05:31 by DirkjeNL

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