This the
CLAN Rank App
ALL RANKS above Lieutenant Must Fill out Rank Application stating rank being applied for and what you are doing to qualify for that rank.
Copy n paste into this forum Quick find code: 290-291-735-66043948 or Quote then Edit Answers
1/ MY NAME IS /are Ninmci
Preferred Name: Nin
2/Im British and Time Zone=Bst/Gmt
3/ What languages do you speak? = English
4/ Approximately How long have you been playing RuneScape = 14 years
( look at runemetrics or talk to Hans who walks round lumbrige castle to find days played)
5/ when did you join clan look in clan settings
6/ What Game Style are You F2p,P2p, RS3 ,Legacy, Hard Core , Iron man
7/How did you find this chat saw a forums post by ninmci
8/Have you read Jagex and Clan Rules = yes
9/Do you promise to Respect everyone in clan without preference malice or gile = yes
Are you on Discord
its mandatory for ranks higher than Captain / Yes / No/
11/Why do you need rank What can you give / do for clan
12/ what Rank are you asking for / Qualify 4
All admin are expected to have bank pin and Authenticator Dont Answer this
This tells us you agree and promise to be the best you can for the clan
This application will be stored on discord clan database
Always read What you say before And AFTER POSTING