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(¸.´ (¸. Clan Ranking System
Since we are a social/SKILLING clan, I figured the best way to rank is EXP gained in the CC.
This however has some alternatives like capping, being active, bumping the thread etc.. to make a chance to join our Admin Team.
Since you cannot go down on exp, you will never receive a derank.
Unless you break one of our cc rules.
Recruit Rank
You just joined our clan. Welcome
Corporal Rank
Given to those who have earned at least 5M Total experience since joining clan.
Followed all the clan rules since joining the clan.
Sergeant Rank
Given to those who have earned at least 15M Total experience since joining clan.
Followed all the clan rules since joining the clan.
Lieutenant Rank
Given to those who have earned at least 30M Total experience since joining clan.
Followed all the clan rules since joining the clan.
Captain Rank
Given to those who have earned at least 50M Total experience since joining clan.
Followed all the clan rules since joining the clan.
General Rank
Given to those who have earned at least 100M Total experience since joining clan.
Followed all the clan rules since joining the clan.
Admin Team
Read up in the clan forums 'Admin Team Home' thread