Welcome to Born to Rune's recruitment thread. We are a newly-formed, friendly, more or less mature (but often quite silly!) social and skilling clan, spread across a number of time zones. We like evil trees and fallen stars, and we like to know when a clannie has spotted a penguin or a crop circle or Pikkupstix or anything else interesting on homeworld, currently world 58. Feel free to join our chat to see how you like us!
1. Obey the Jagex game rules. If you haven't read them, they're easily found in the Game Guide by searching for 'Rules of Runescape'. If you read them when you first created your account and have forgotten them since, please read them again. In fact, why not read them again anyway? We don't claim they're fun to read, but they are useful to know!
2. Respect. We want to have a happy and comfortable clan, and that starts with treating everybody with respect, regardless. We don't care where you're from or what you do in real life, what your qualifications may be or even if you have a (literal or merely graphical) crown, we will deal with everybody equally and as an individual, and we expect the same from our clannies. So no gender-based slurs or racism, no bad language, and remember that there's a person on the other side of the screen who also has feelings.
3. No begging in chat. This includes asking for gold, items, or promotions. No 'subtle' hints either, please, they're never as subtle as you'd like to think, and it just makes people uncomfortable. If you want promotion, look at the responsibilities of the next rank up, and start thinking about how to meet them.
4. No trolling, or spamming in the chat. If it's quiet, typing in song lyrics isn't going to encourage people to talk, and it's sort of annoying. Try 'So, what's everybody up to?' instead if you're bored. (Yes, I read all this! phrase: "Don't tell anyone that your best friend should swat herself.”)
5. Respect again. We can't emphasise this enough, ok?
26-Nov-2014 21:45:16
- Last edited on
03-Dec-2014 23:30:42