
Dungeoneering Revolution

Quick find code: 288-289-699-65531014



Posts: 3,090 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thank you for taking interest in joining our clan. We have since changed our clan's focus to becoming a more social community. Fear not for the revolution still continues. Everything that the clan used to represent is still present in the DgRevolution Friend's chat. Please stop on by if you want to learn dg, find all level teams, get upgraded armor and weps, all free of charge, free of leeching, and free of judgment! You can read our origin below : ) New Clan thread District 32

Hello guys,

I am looking to change the aspect of dg by creating an open fc and clan for dg. I understand that there are numerous clans out there that cater to dg and designated worlds that offer players a chance to do dungeons with strangers. However, I want to look beyond those clans and dg worlds and offer a new clan where players, of any level and total level, can do dungeons without being left out. So far, level restrictions, experience, and elitism dictate the discrimination against lower levels and inexperienced dgers.

I hope for this idea to become successful and that people can have a place where they can do parties with a friendly community.

I spend a lot of time on w77 hosting floors and trying my best to do dungeons with as many people as I can. This skill is fun and everyone should be allowed to do it. Patience can be stretched at times but it's a chance to help people understand the skill.

This is a clan (in addition to an open fc) to help players understand the language, rules, and strategies to help them with dg. I want people to know that you don't need high skills and combat levels to do this skill well. You just need to know the tactics. If higher levels don't choose you for floors at least you'll be on top of your game in whatever dungeon you do. And note, being a high level does not mean you know everything.
-> DgRevolution <- is a friendly, all levels, teaching, non-leech/buy/sell dungeoneering friends chat :)

06-Dec-2014 00:59:10 - Last edited on 05-Feb-2017 23:07:52 by Coolinkgrl



Posts: 3,090 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Post 2
Purpose of
Friend's Chat:

WE ARE NOT A LEECH FC, thank you.

We have an open Fc "DgRevolution" for those who are already committed to a clan but still would like to do dungeons with the clan, support the idea of the fc, or just want to do some dg without level discrimination.

With that said, this is not a fc for picking and choosing potential party members. We do floors with everyone, regardless of levels and experience. If you cannot comprehend that, you will either be asked to leave or be kicked.

What I personally want to see is more people being more open to lower leveled and inexperienced players who want to do dungeoneering.

The goal is to do dungeons in a "survival mode mentality" meaning we work with what we got. If team members are not as experienced, we work to efficiently finish a floor with that disadvantage.

Please remember to have patience with clan members and understand that not everyone can do floors with you at all times. We play this game to have fun too and for some that may not be dg at all times.

Clan Chat:

This clan will attempt to teach those who want to be proficient and beyond in dungeoneering as well as be a place to do floors without level restrictions.

We do require weekly capping but have avatar holders for the skill-bound.

We do not have mandatory events, but we offer them. We want people to not feel pressured into staying or joining.

Past events include:
Rago, Raids, Rots, Raxi, CW, GWD, Nex, DXP competition, Dg races, KK, PC, BA

We have frequent PvM sessions too! We do more than just dg!
-> DgRevolution <- is a friendly, all levels, teaching, non-leech/buy/sell dungeoneering friends chat :)

06-Dec-2014 01:09:16 - Last edited on 31-Jan-2016 19:30:51 by Coolinkgrl



Posts: 3,090 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Post 3
How to Join!

Friend's Chat:
DgRevolution (Click here if you only want information on how to join the FC)

Our Friend's Chat is open to everyone. You may enter and advertise floors or groups.

Use this format to find groups: "O+4" or "A+2" instead of "35+4"

Many people don't know that doing any floor number of the same tier will check off the floor you need. If you need 36, you can unlock it by doing any other occult floor. (Occult floors are 36-47)

All ranks are Clan members and they are able to help you with finding groups or dg with you. Ranks may sometimes host, so look out for them!

Please join w77 or w32 west of lobby. You will find purple dots you can team with. You are free to advertise your own world but if you prefer to stay in the dungeoneering world, stay west of the daemonheim lobby.

Clan Chat:
Dg Revolution
If you wish to join our clan and be part of a more active aspect of dg, with more experienced dgers, you will have to take a Floor Test. The test is there to provide you with feedback on your dungeoneering knowledge. ALL new recruits must take the test to join. (It's not hard, I promise!)


You are free to guest in the Clan Chat to chat, find floors, or join us on our pvm missions but we prefer you use the Friend's Chat for all dg related inquiries. If you have any questions for me, I am always in the Friend's Chat in addition to the Clan Chat.
-> DgRevolution <- is a friendly, all levels, teaching, non-leech/buy/sell dungeoneering friends chat :)

06-Dec-2014 01:09:34 - Last edited on 31-Jan-2016 19:34:51 by Coolinkgrl



Posts: 3,090 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Post 4
Rules (yes rules)
Please read them!


-Be respectful to all clan members and guests

-Do not ask others in the fc what their levels are unless you need specific floors or weapons help. If you want to do floors with experienced dgers and get quick floors, this clan/fc isn't for you. We do floors with EVERYONE. I embrace the slowest dgers because I know one day they'll be better than me

-Smile : )

-Do not leech or promote leeching as this doesn't teach anyone anything

-Have patience. Everyone's a little slow sometimes, we aren't all pros. If you want sub 8 floors this clan is probably not for you. We will definitely hit those at times but not all the time so fair warning

-No crying and complaining, you know what you signed up for

-Always ask questions when you don't understand something or need advice! I'm always happy to answer, and that's how you'll learn and get better

-No fighting/arguing in dungeons. Take that somewhere else or try to find common ground. It happens, but we want to get along with people

-Expect fast-paced dungeons, as that is the end goal, but also expect slower paced dungeons as we're all trying to learn. Even I pull 20+ minute dungeons sometimes

-Listen to the host! It's important to pay attention and get things done quickly but efficiently. We're not trying to be mean, we're working on pace and reaction time

-Learn abbreviations (see next post for some commonly used ones). This will help when getting into ANY dungeon. Terms might be different for different hosts but generally it's all the same

-Make law runes, cosmic runes, and be sure to call doors! This helps everyone, so please and thank you!

-Have fun. Jokes are always allowed in dungeons, make people laugh, make yourself laugh, it's a place to just be weird while getting stuff done! I say really dumb things all the time and I don't care, it lightens to mood
-> DgRevolution <- is a friendly, all levels, teaching, non-leech/buy/sell dungeoneering friends chat :)

06-Dec-2014 16:58:18 - Last edited on 23-Jun-2015 07:57:52 by Coolinkgrl



Posts: 3,090 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Post 5
Common Dungeoneering Abbreviations and Terms

gt/gs----group tele/gate tele/gatestone/get your but to the ggs <-this is my definition of it

ggs----group gatestone

mgt----move the group tele

bgt/buy/B----"buying the group tele"/if you need to move the gatestone while someone has it, this is the term to use so they drop it

sgt/sell/S----"selling the group tele"/if someone has the gatestone but they want it moved somewhere, they will use this term

emo----emote room (Always teleport here as it is priority!)

levs----lever room (Priority teleport!)

ports----can refer to portents or portals in warped dungeons (Priority teleport!)

pot(surv, nat, gath, art)----potions that include; survivalist, naturalist, gatherer, and artisan

o(c)c----occult floors, when someone advertises occ they do not mean they are running all floors from 36-47, instead they are most likely doing 1 occult floor that happens to be the highest occult floor of the group

A/aba2/ab2/a2----abandoned 2 floors (see occ for advertising)

W/warp/warps/Hw----warped floors (see occ for advertising) Hw means "highest warped" these floors are at least floor 55 and up sometimes 57 and up, depending on who you ask
gd----guardian door
gtgd----teleport to guardian door
gd marked----do the guardian door that is marked by the host (generally priority)
idle----when you're not doing anything or don't have a path to do
bon----a bonus path that either has a 100+ skill door or is not on the crit
crit----the "critical path" this is the path that leads straight to the boss
path----generally called when there are multiple ways to go or 1 way to c(r)it
Information on gating and c(r)it path is on our official clan forums : )
-> DgRevolution <- is a friendly, all levels, teaching, non-leech/buy/sell dungeoneering friends chat :)

06-Dec-2014 17:16:36 - Last edited on 21-Dec-2014 09:15:31 by Coolinkgrl



Posts: 3,090 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Post 6

(C)c ranks are in our official clan forum but I will lay out how ranks will be administered. All admin+ ranks are will be explained once you join but if you would like to get ranked in this clan you can contribute by:

[*] Capping 3 out of 4 weeks in a month for 1 rank up.
[*] Attending 3 out of 4 clan events in the month for 1 rank up.
[*] Being a positive, supportive, and active clan member in clan chat. (Our ways of finding out are our own)
[*] Take on a role in the friend's chat like hosting, staying in friend's chat at all times, or dging with guests.

All ranks are done on a monthly basis so all contributions you make will be noted in a span of 4 weeks.

FC Ranks

Clan Owner/Fc Admin

Clan member

Clan member who also hosts or Fc Host
-> DgRevolution <- is a friendly, all levels, teaching, non-leech/buy/sell dungeoneering friends chat :)

06-Dec-2014 18:39:57 - Last edited on 11-Nov-2015 02:50:11 by Coolinkgrl



Posts: 3,090 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Weil said :

Name : Weil
Position : Recruit wishing to join!

Hello Weil,

Thank you for taking the Floor Test. You have been given feedback on your results and we welcome you to Dungeoneering Revolution!

You will be contacted about the next steps.
-> DgRevolution <- is a friendly, all levels, teaching, non-leech/buy/sell dungeoneering friends chat :)

06-Dec-2014 21:18:44

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