
RSMAX 11 - An Old Veteran Clan

Quick find code: 288-289-64-65570399

Aug Member 2014


Posts: 311 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi Everyone :)

If you are looking for a clan that doesn't bother you with requirements to stay in the clan, then we are it! Feel free to come guest in it and if you want to know more about how our clan works please read below. :)

Clan Name:

CLAN STATS (as of 7 April 2017):

No. of Clanmates: 377
No. of Maxed Players: 94
No. of 138s: 273
Average Total Level: 2523 (Relatively High)
Active Players: 76% have membership (Relatively High)
Citadel Tier: 7 (completely maxed out!)
Clan Rank: 53
Daily Xp Gain Clan Rank: ~ 15

Starting Rank for New Members: Sergeant

Meeting clan reqs: 2200 total or 130 Combat
Sergeant - starting rank (everyone under 5m xp)
Lieutenant - members who have earned 5m xp
Captain - those who have earned 50 clan points
General - those who have earned 100 clan points

Our spreadsheet is highly integrated using the clan point system described below. It uses formulas and imports data from the Runescape website instantly to calculate your clan points! We HIGHLY RECOMMEND for you to have a look at it please! This is accessed by googling: RSMAX 11 - google sheets.

25 points - recruiting 1 player who meets clan requirements or caps regularly
7 points - each time you cap
3 points - each time you attend a clan event
10 points - each time you host an event
1 point - for every 2m xp gained.
15 points - for winning the weekly skill competition/total xp competition
10 points - for winning the weekly surprise skill competition (revealed at end of week)
1 point - for bumping this thread at least once a day


ALSO!! You cannot attain a rank without fulfilling the requirements for the previous rank. For example, you must earn 5m xp for captain rank and cannot get it by recruiting just 2 people without the 5m xp.

12-Feb-2015 12:40:15 - Last edited on 07-Apr-2017 13:48:43 by S U N D A Y

Aug Member 2014


Posts: 311 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Requirements to Join:

The only requirements to join are
of the following.

1. 2200+ total
2. 130+ combat

Note you only need
of these requirements to be able to join our clan. Simply guest in the chat and ask to join the clan :)

12-Feb-2015 12:40:27 - Last edited on 05-Sep-2016 13:29:21 by S U N D A Y

Aug Member 2014


Posts: 311 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Clan Ranking System:

There are five major pathways listed below to gain ranks in the clan from General to Coordinator. They have been listed in order of decreasing power to gain you ranks. So if you do more of no. 1, the more easily you will gain ranks-ups. (You can even look at getting coordinator within 2 weeks if you are really efficient!)

1. Further Recruitment of other players that meet our requirements
2. Helping to contribute to our events by hosting and attending as well as teaching learners things like minigames, skilling method but especially PVM!!!
2. Being active in chat by answering questions reasonably
3. Capping regularly at citadel on a long term basis
4. Xp gains
5. Loyalty

General - After a decent amount of time, you should find yourself a general via clan points method.
Admin to Coordinator - based on the above mentioned criteria
Overseer and over - When Coordinators are seen capable of monitoring other ranks
and basically leading the clan on its future goals.

12-Feb-2015 12:40:37 - Last edited on 04-Nov-2016 02:09:38 by S U N D A Y

Aug Member 2014


Posts: 311 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Clan Rules:

1. There are no concrete rules so if a rule is bent for some reason its not a first for our clan.
2. Swearing is allowed but not excessively
3. Vulgarity is okay as long as its not insulting or of a disturbing nature. (we talked about ****** side-effects of medications which is perfectly fine)
4. Racism is not accepted. Discussion within a reasonable scope of topics regarding different races/cultures is acceptable.
5. Absolutely no abusing / insulting of any other person in clan. You will be very quickly backlisted and removed if you do that.
6. Essentially its a democratic clan which means do no harm to others, but feel free to do anything you please!

12-Feb-2015 12:40:49 - Last edited on 04-Nov-2016 14:06:35 by S U N D A Y

Aug Member 2014


Posts: 311 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What WE DO!



We have quite a few pvm leaders and often we host events where we fight monsters ranging from simply God Wars 2 to as far as Vorago, Raids, Rise of the Six! We also help people get raids feats, and Hard mode Vorago done! Our spreadsheet has a list of clan records for boss skills + slayer kills + misc records. There is fierce competition in clan because of this!

Clan Events

We do this weekly and this is usually PVM!! We also host many unofficial pvm events!!

Skill Competitions

We do weekly skill competitions and the winner wins clan points which they can use for a benefit of their own while in clan! :P We do total xp, a particular skill and a surprise skill (revealed at the end of the week). So 3 different winners!


We have one of the more impressive citadels on runescape. It is a tier 7 citadel with 3 avatars, all plots at level 7, with clan dragon, our citadel is completely Maxed Out ! But don't worry. You won't need to cap! :D

12-Feb-2015 12:40:58 - Last edited on 04-Nov-2016 14:11:42 by S U N D A Y

Aug Member 2014


Posts: 311 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
We also use Twitch, Teamspeak and Youtube!

Our twitch streamers are very popular RS players:




The Youtube channel name is mine! :D :

Rs Sun

12-Feb-2015 12:41:06 - Last edited on 04-Nov-2016 01:59:39 by S U N D A Y

Aug Member 2014


Posts: 311 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What Our Spreadsheet Contains!

Clan points
(Sheet 1)

A compilation of each clan member's details and their respective clan points.

(sheet 2)

A list of our clan's records from boss kc's to records in the Arc. People compete hard for this :P

Skill Competition
(sheet 3)

Our weekly skill competitions!

Handy Links
(sheet 4)

Links to very useful things from streamre sites to spreadsheets to help you on RS!!

Boss Kills
Req (sheet 5)

People who are awaiting to get their first boss kills done! Generally maxed players get priority!

Clan Rank
(sheet 6)

Our current Rank on daily xp gains and our overall rank in RS!

Almost everything auto-updates guys. It really is a one of a kind spreadsheet!!

12-Feb-2015 12:41:20 - Last edited on 04-Nov-2016 14:02:45 by S U N D A Y

Aug Member 2014


Posts: 311 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What happens when you are F2P?

You will be ranked down to corporal rank

Your previous rank when you were members will be recorded and will be given this rank upon return to membership!!

12-Feb-2015 12:43:11 - Last edited on 04-Nov-2016 02:01:17 by S U N D A Y

Aug Member 2014


Posts: 311 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Admin+ Rank

You must have all of the following fulfilled: (Part A)

1. Profile Pic
3. Must be Members
4. Must have 100 clan points

Once Part A is fulfilled, you will definitely be made admin if you are either: (Part B)
1. 250m xp
2. 200 clan Points

You may be made admin if you fulfill one of the following and personally ask to be admin: (Part C)
1. You talk in clan chat on a daily basis contributing to banter.
2. Possess one of our records
3. Capped more than 10 times
4. Hosted more than 10 events
5. Regularly Hosted avatar as a temporary admin
6. Recruited 5 or more players who meet clan reqs.

12-Feb-2015 12:43:17 - Last edited on 04-Nov-2016 02:02:24 by S U N D A Y

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