--------------------+ 2. Clan Rules +--------------------
- Be kind to all clan members.
This means no harassment or bullying.
Friendly teasing is fine, but if the person (or the leaders) asks you to stop,
please respect the request.
Gross violation of this rule could result in kick/ban
- On the subject of profanity,
we don't mind it, but please don't go overboard.
Excessive use of offensive language could result in kick/ban.
-Citadel work is mandatory, however only 50% of possible resource collection is required.
I.E. 500/1000. If this is not met two consecutive weeks, you may be kicked from the clan.
If there is a reason you will be inactive for a while (Holidays, Illness, School, Work, Military, etc.) and you will not be able to meet these expectations, just let us know! We will be happy to accommodate you and you will have a clan to come back to when you become active again.
Also, if you acquire all of the possible resources for two weeks in a row, you are eligible for a rank up. The ranking system will be discussed in the next section.
- Membership is required.
As capping at the citadel is a semi requirement, you must be a member to join the clan/remain in the clan. As stated, if there are reasons you will not be able to obtain a membership for two weeks or more and therefore will not be able to cap, please let one of our leaders know and we will attempt to accommodate you.
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