Es busca a gent que sapiga parlar catala per a un clan de chill, pero tambe farem bosses y ajudar-n'hos a pujar level.
-Parlar Catalá com a primera o segona/tercera llengua.
-Members preferits, pero tambe volem a free-2-plays.
-Ser chill, no spamejar y ser respectuós a altres members.
Interesats si us plau contacteume a mi via el joc (ZigLepaz) cuan estigui conectat,
Si no Contactar al Propietari adjhunt en Name_Report
Please remember that to be fair to all clans, each clan should only have
recruitment thread, posted in the forum that is the best fit for the clan, based either on requirements or activities.
This forum is for clans that have a minimum skill level requirement for joining, or that focuses on specific skills. Your thread in the Recruitment - Social & Community Clans Forum is the better placed, so please continue to use that thread.
Also, when posting in the English Language Forums, it is preferred that you post in English or at least include an English translation, so that your post may be understood by all.