== Ranks ==
There are two systems of ranks within the clan. One system is purely cosmetic, which is used to compare skilling status within the clan. This is the main one used. The other system is with the administration key ranks for leaders and staff. Most people will only have to worry about the skilling status ranking system.
~~ Rank Points ~~
Rank Points are the basis of both the clan chat ranks and the clan hiscores. They are awarded based on your progress towards 200m Xp in skills. Slower or less afkable skills will give more points than faster or more afkable skills will. Keep in mind that these points do not judge your entire account, but only your progress towards 200m Xp in skills.
For every X Xp, you get Y points:
40m Slay = 2 points
40m Summ = 2 points
40m Agil = 3 points
40m Div = 3 points
50m Wc = 2 points
50m Rc = 2 points
50m Mine = 3 points
50m Fish = 3 points
100m Cook = 1 point
100m Fletch = 1 point
100m Fm = 2 points
100m Range = 2 points
100m Mage = 2 points
100m Con = 2 points
100m Thiev = 2 points
100m Hunt = 2 points
100m Craft = 2 points
100m Smith = 2 points
100m Dung = 2 points
100m Herb = 3 points
100m Pray = 3 points
100m Farm = 3 points
So, for example, if you had 120m Agility Xp and 100m Firemaking Xp, you would have (3x3)+(2x1) points. This is 11 points. Depending on how many points you have, you would obtain a certain rank in the clan chat.
~~ Titles/Ranks ~~
Junior Member = 0 points = 1 Banana
Member = 2 points = 2 Bananas
Advanced Member = 4 points = 3 Bananas
True Master = 8 points = Bronze Star
Elite Master = 15 points = Silver Star
Legendary Master = 30 points = Gold Star
Demi-God = 50 points = Bronze Cross
To join TMOA, you essentially need 6 points. Every member is expected to aim for at least a "Master" title, the lowest of which is a bronze star. Lower ranks are for those who were in the clan when the requirements were lower or when they were more lax. The current ones are strict.
08-Apr-2011 19:35:19
- Last edited on
27-Sep-2013 21:23:28
Jebrim I