Capping is not required in our clan but we ask that everyone who holds membership at least visit the Citadel every week when online.
The way we rank:
*All new clanmates will keep a rank of recruit during their first week.
Recruit, Corporal, Sergeant
may be rewarded for visiting the Citadel after your first week in the clan. A max rank of Sergeant may be awarded for visits. Fealty stars are not required to maintain. Clanmates with these ranks are not required to cap but are asked to visit the citadel if they currently hold RuneScape membership.
Lieutenant, Captain, General
may be rewarded for capping in the Citadel. Clanmates must hold a minimum rank of Sergeant before being eligible for promotion. One fealty star is required to be eligible for promotion. Capping is not required to maintain.
may be rewarded to clanmates who hold a rank of General with 3 fealty stars after capping. Capping and a 3 star fealty is required to maintain.
Organiser and Coordinator
may be rewarded to clanmates who hold a rank of Admin and show exceptional interest in the clan. Capping and a 3 star fealty is required to maintain.