Can you please do something about the mass of Zulrah bots. There are accounts with anywhere between 1k - 20k Zulrah KC that are so obviously bots, it's a joke that they have gotten that high. The stats are all near the same, the gear is all similar, and the kill counts are ridiculous.
I kill Zulrah quite a bit and I do my best at reporting every bot account I see. But the last few months I get the same message, ' XXXXX is already on your ignore list.'
Nothing is visibly being done to fix this Zulrah bot problem because the accounts exist up to the dozen thousand of kills. Just standing on the dock for 10 minutes in any world, looking up the stats of the "players" running by seem obvious enough of a solution to fix the issue. The issue is Zulrah resources being over farmed, surely RWT occurring, and actual players who put in time to kill this boss not accurately being represented on the high scores.
Please do something substantial about this issue.
30-Nov-2022 01:06:38