I use to hate agility the most, Pyramid Plunder was also rough, there were a lot of bad quests, but Ports is THE worst piece of content I have ever played, across all platforms of gaming, it's actually horrid, no offence but my God gaming is meant to be fun, Idk how that got lost somewhere along the way, Ports is in no way fun not even in the slightest.
Can you do me a favor? Can we focus on FUN as the main objective from now on when creating content INSTEAD of tedious mind numbing and boring content, I mean there are great pieces of content in the game and you just Nerf everything fun right out of the game without a thought and wonder why player retention is so low, it's hurting my brains I just don't get it.
If you have fun content like Croesus that's powerful when combined with end game stuff which is how content is suppose to be designed, people will stick around, when you lock upgrades behind Billion GP price tags and nerf that armor/weapon what's even the point? Then to get to the actual end game you now have to suffer through content like Ports, I'd rather play Castle Wars, at least there is people and there is a fun element to the content.
Ports is beyond confusing, other than Clue scroll logs it is probably the longest piece of content in the game for mid tier armor that's free, of course anything that's free is going to take years to complete, if you wanna buy this T95 armor though just drop $300 and get it instantly, I mean come on dude this is ridiculous then you just get ridiculously mad when people complain and then you even prefer they leave which is horrible for player retention, if you don't drop hundreds of dollars on more bonds for Billion GP Ability upgrades you can get by but you're going to struggle heavily for it.
The point is that content that nets you free items or a decent rate of GP/HR either takes ages or gets nerfed heavily, however every powerful item you can outright buy, there needs to be a better balance because it isn't fun.
02-Jun-2023 15:22:23