There is no way they are getting useful information out of them. I was able to check one out recently and it feels more like a police interrogation. I had to lawyer up and skedaddle.
Right off the bat you must manually input your age, rather than even choose a range (which is typical.) This immediately lowers the accuracy of the entire survey. People are less likely to put the actual number, breaking the sense of importance to their answers.
Which is probably the opposite of what the author was thinking. Remember you came to me. I have the information you want. I hold all power in this matter because I will just exit and you get nothing.
The targeted nature quickly became more general, further eroding any willingness to endure the requirements to progress to the actual questions.
This survey literally rejected one of the answers because it was inconsistent with information provided earlier about the other version of the game. They were incorrect, forcing a change of answer to move on.
My interest in this survey was very high, until I actually got in there. Considering the experience, and the lure of possibly winning a gift card for completing the survey, my conclusion is there is NO real useful information being gathered in this way.
Get to the point. There is nothing to be gained from the trivial nonsense that is required in these surveys. Basing this on previous experiences from the past as well. They are not any better since then.
16-Dec-2022 11:45:12