Imagine playing for 7 hours straight with no drops, this is exactly what Jagex wants, so that when you keep losing GP and all the prices crashing on top of that, you feel pressured into buying MTX Bonds so that you can continue playing despite the fact you already pay for a monthly/yearly membership, all these people keep claiming you can earn 80m per day is a lie, it's more like 80m per 2 weeks which is just enough to maintain bonds, meaning you're stuck in this endless cycle of bullspit.
I honestly can't remember the last time I got a good drop from this game, do you honestly think this is a good way to keep up player moral, by constantly tearing down their enjoyment, even the biggest Youtubers complain about this, I watch them sit there for 12 hour streams and get zero drops, that's horrible for player moral and horrible for viewership, on top of the years grind it takes to get certain levels it's a horrible combination for player retention and Jagex is doing this so that they can keep investors happy with increased quarterly revenue, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
02-Oct-2023 05:26:31