Some folks might not realize what Pay 2 Win is really like.
Imagine if the devs were looking at EVERY piece of content for ways to monetize it. The #1 selling point becomes time skips and MTX currencies, which are dripped into the free content. Very small amounts.
At the same time, everything is balanced for top players. So the game gives out so much free stuff that you wouldn't even need to buy anything.
Except time. When the time, and therefore cost in skips, becomes too much for anyone, that is a losing strategy.
When MTX buyers are sitting on top of the hill, and nobody wants to play with them because they are so far behind, that is a losing strategy.
Runescape has a time problem, as more and more content is released for the current player base, it becomes way too much for future players. So the future MUST involve ways to skip time.
In our case, that is done with the bond system, but nobody really wants to talk about it.
28-Sep-2023 14:05:57