Bruce, If the lore and emersion element of your character wearing a jumper is upsetting, change your skybox filters.
I can imagine it is somewhat difficult to come up with promo items for culturally controversial events.
I am LGBTQ+ positive, I support all players of all races, genders and sexual orientations. However we have to consider that because this is an online game, the game cannot be seen to actively push events too hard like this, from a marketing perspective.
They have to address pride, sure, but google can list you a tonne of countries and cultures that are not so forward thinking and accepting of westernised social movements. The world is definitely progressing and people are definitely making a stand for equality, but it does not stop the fact, this is illegal in certain countries. It carries very heavy punishments.
That thinking is instilled from a very early age, one wrong move, one step too far in the right direction, could cause a complete collapse and break down of players based in these countries.
Critical thinking my dude.
10-Jun-2023 09:23:46