I just came back to the game because I saw 2x exp and was like whoa i dont remember runescape having 2x events. Then I lost my password again nothing new there. Lost the password to my email nothing new there.
Ran into some grammar issues and opportunities to teach players / people before I left tutorial island. Small Grammar error which can be understood by Americans but we do understand that This game is based in EU.
Sorry I forgot what I was thinking ignore this thread just wanted to post and see if anyone would respond . Forums are kinda dead for a game with so much players. Requesting a chat for new players to get help since I'm not able to find help promptly.
Sorry I forgot what I was thinking ignore this thread just wanted to post and see if anyone would respond . Forums are kinda dead for a game with so much players. Requesting a chat for new players to get help since I'm not able to find help promptly.
reddit is pretty much where people go for any game or hobby etc
there is also the wiki that most likely will give you help for 99.9% anything