It is a shame that players have to go to third party sites to get accurate prices for in-game items. Why are the grand exchange prices so far off for certain items? Unless you are a full time merchant, there is no other way of knowing what some obscure items are actually worth. This came to fruition when I naively trusted the game-set recommended pricing and traded a masterwork spear for some cash, bones, and a "dragon crested shoulder cape". While the trade looked good according to the price comparison, it is borderline game sanctioned scamming because the bones were way off from what they were actually selling for and the "dragon crested shoulder cape" (priced at over 79M) is only a fraction of that cost.
It would be a great fix and service to the players if something could be done about making item prices more accurate. It's incredibly disheartening to work so hard to earn money for a nox scythe then be knocked back down. I am out almost 150M now, and while that isn't a lot for most players, it is for me. Honestly, if nothing can be fixed about the system, it would be better to get rid of recommended prices altogether.
Last note, I accepted the trade and now I am facing the consequences. It is my responsibility to do the research, but where should people be looking for accurate prices? The question I have to ask myself now is, is it right to trick the next person into thinking certain items are worth more?...I am not a fan of the idea of tricking players like myself, but apparently that is using the game to your advantage.
Unrelated but funny side note: Is anyone interested in buying a "dragon crested shoulder cape" for 79m?
15-Aug-2023 20:50:32