Trying to get dark core thing. Tele to wildy. See old wildy warning. "huh, wonder why that is." tele to lode. Immediately skulled and pk'd. Lose grace, full attuned crystal armour (yeah, that sucks), nox bow, 2k+ ful arrows. I'm a pretty casual player, so this really freaking hurts my drive to keep playing.
Maybe i'm f'in' dumb for not realizing what was happening, But like why be skulled for having a divining item? i understand abyss skull, cause its been that way forever. Never been to wildy for cursed. just happened to have it on me cause i was getting charges on w79. seriously makes me want to vomit.
How is this a good thing? I don't know coding so i'm assuming its just hard to make it where siphoning cursed gets you skulled. Still doesnt seem fair to not have some kinda warning to say; "Hey, u'll be SKULLED with this nub."
I guess my biggest gripe is just with the pvp rework stuff, there isnt common player language used to describe the part where you get SKULLED. I don't think about "opt in". Been playing one 1 account for 17+ years and I just can't seem to imagine why jagex don't have the brains to just call it what it is. SKULLED. not opt-in. sooooo dumb to me
P.S. I don't care that i was pk'd. it's part of wildy and has been forever. i care that i was skulled for a div item.
11-Feb-2023 19:45:28