and its funny bc when u adress the real problems of the game the mods instantly ignore u bc there to lazy to actually do anything about it when its there jobs to do so, or they cridisize u for it knowing u are 100% right and have been playing the game since classic days so u know exactly how everything needs to flow you try to explaine it watch them kill a whole portion of the game then they deside to put it they way u sugested it after its way to late to do anything about it or even fix it, and by the time they do fix it no one wants to play bc its already ruin'ed i mean if jagex was really sueing sites like they should be there wouldn't have been pk bots so bad in lms for 3 years running without anything being done, only time i see something actually done is when a youtuber starts crying witch is pathetic that they are letting youtubers also run the comunity bc in a way thats also damageing pvp bc they showing people how to exploid mechanics and then if u sit and watch some youtubers they getting away with ahks i wont say names but one of the most populer youtubers that "claims to be the fastest pker" uses one bc u can hear the damn keys hit instead of mouse clicking even did a mouse clip one day and the clicks dont even match but is anything ever done? no
everyone needs to start voteing no to all updates until jagex fixes pvp stop letting the pvmers vote no on everything healthy for the game!!!!!!!!!!!
17-Jun-2023 15:00:32
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17-Jun-2023 15:02:29